Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In which Daisy throws a Party on the internet

I'm getting this thing started. Pump up the volume.

Basically I am a twenty-year-old wandering naturalist with a year off of school and a terrible history of communication, so I'm putting a few of the adventures down in the pixels for those that care to read. I don't plan on being a famous travel blogger, so this mainly for my friends to know what I'm up to. Hi, friends!

I'm starting this on September 15, 2009, and I'll fill in the backlog of awesome stuff that's happened recently and then go from here. Sadly, my life is not all drama and intrigue all the time, so you may have to actually like me in order to enjoy this. If I told you about it, that probably means I like you, so there's a complement.

So I'm off to figure out where I belong in this little slice of the world that is my life, and I'll keep you updated!

Love for all,

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